Let’s get 2021 off to an amazing start for your home. Let’s give it what it needs to keep you warm, safe, and cozy. With these simple but effective New Year’s resolutions in place for your home, you’ll save yourself thousands, and avoid inconvenient and expensive problems in your home. Let’s make 2021 the year that your home gets to shine.

  1. Organize

No matter how much space we have, whether it’s a compact condo or a sprawling ranch, we always seem to fill it. The New Year is the perfect time to declutter and sort through all of those boxes and household files that seem to grow over the years. From attic spaces to basement corners, to kitchen cupboards hiding out of date items, you’ll feel so much better when you reorganize – and your house will feel so much more spacious.

  1. Mold

Mold and mildew are to be avoided in the home for many reasons, especially because mold is a health hazard and is expensive to tackle. Prevent mold growth by removing excess water from bathroom walls and tiles after a shower, since moisture promotes the growth of mold and mildew. Run bath fans during a bath or shower to flush moisture and improve air quality. Sealing grout lines with grout sealer is an annual job to waterproof tiles.

To get rid of existing mold, scrub with detergent and water and allow to dry completely. Use a 10% bleach 90% water solution, allow to sit for 10 minutes, then let dry and switch on the bathroom fans.

  1. Showerhead

If you’ve noticed that the water doesn’t flow freely through your showerhead, this simple technique sorts a common household problem in minutes. Material build-up such as limescale can be sorted using a 50/50 household vinegar/water mixture. If you can’t remove the showerhead, use a plastic bag and elastic band – the acidic solution dissolves the minerals in just 15 minutes.

  1. Energy bills

Who doesn’t want to save money on their heat and light bill? And who doesn’t want to improve their carbon footprint? Simply replacing the lightbulbs throughout your home with energy-efficient bulbs is a quick and easy way to achieve that. If everyone makes an effort to switch off lights and appliances that are not in use, this new year’s resolution is going to pay off big time. Installing solar panels on the roof is also an investment that you’ll be glad you made.

  1. Insurance

Dig through those files and look at your current home insurance policy. When is it due for renewal? Are you covered for fire, flood, and hurricanes? Ensuring that you have adequate coverage is a must. Considering a 4-Point inspection, which covers electrics, plumbing, HVAC and roofing is not only a wise move but often required by home insurance companies.

  1. Gutters

With so much water being shed from your roof, and with debris collecting through the winter, cleaning the gutters is an essential New Year’s task. It will save you on expensive repairs down the road.

  1. Air Conditioning

Servicing the air conditioning system to ensure that it runs efficiently is an essential task and one that pays off in comfort and dollars. Cleaning filters and taking time to service the system prolongs its life. Grass and debris collect in the fins and blocks the airflow so this plus the outdoor air condenser unit requires cleaning. You’ll require a professional to check the electrical parts and refrigerant

A bright year ahead

At Matter Home Inspections we wish you a safe and comfortable 2021. We’re here to offer professional health checks for your existing home, and peace of mind when buying or selling a home. Call us to plan how we can keep your most important investment in top shape.